After much moving around we are now back in our apartment, and I will have full
Internet (and a working computer after tomorrow), and I will be back to doing picture posts!
It has been a big couple of weeks for Paris. She was diagnosed with
entropy in both eyes (where the eye lid folds in and rubs against the eye itself), and has had surgery to correct it. The surgery was on Tuesday last week, and she has to wear a cone on her head (read "cone of shame" if any has seen UP) until NEXT week. Since the
stitches are in a delicate place, she is on leash only walks, can't run
around, and can't play with the other dogs. It is driving her (and me) a little crazy!!! She gets to have the stuffed KONG
protocol until next week, but she barks, and barks, and then howls her displeasure at being stuck in the crate.
Her eyes already look so much better, and since her final shots are the same week as her
stitches coming out, it will be fun to finally start taking her places. She is a really sweet pup, but is one of the more vocal pups I have worked with.
But she is
eager to learn and very
enthusiastic about FIR and
Millie is coming along very nicely. We had a
eval with our
CFR a couple of weeks ago, and she did everything very nicely. Loose leash, different surfaces, ignored distractions
: she was great!
Marley and I are now in our 3rd week of dog class, and I am loving the
challenge (so is Marley, he comes home exhausted after every class!) Dante continues to love the warm weather, yummy treats, and new toys to play with. He has a very cute
Grrrona (fashioned after the Corona bottles) toy that he loves to carry around.
Picture post covering all the pups, graduation, and more in the next couple of days.